Tuesday 8 December 2009

USA back anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda.


Rachel Maddow reported on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 being proposed in Uganda.

The government of Uganda is considering passing a law to execute gay people. Execute as in by hanging a, quote, “serial offender” or an HIV-positive person who commits same sex act. If enacted, this law would also impose a three-year prison sentence on anyone who knows of a gay person in the country but doesn‘t report that gay person to the government within 24 hours.

So this is a bill that would kill gay people and impose prison sentences on people who know a gay person and don't call the police. Does this story get worse? Oh yes it does.

Who is supporting and promoting this legislation? Well, one of the proponents is a minister named Pastor Martin Ssempa. He was a familiar face to American conservative Evangelicals, because Mr. Ssempa has been a frequent guest of Pastor Rick Warren at One Saddleback Church in California.

Yes, the same hateful man who Obama invited to give the inaugural prayer. The man who has made a disgusting amount of money selling his 'Purpose Driven Life' book so he can recruit people to his little cult so he can make even more money. While Warren did not explicitly celebrate, he refused to condemn something so awful as an extermination plan.

Warren's statement - “It is not my personal calling as a pastor in America to comment or interfere in the political process of other nations.” I suppose he'd think the Holocaust was a 'political process' too. Does it get worse? Yes it does.


20 U.S. CONGRESSMEN are members of a Christian activist group called The Family. The man who authored the extermination bill is a member of the same group.

"It‘s a member of parliament named David Bahati who has been very involved with a sort of conservative Evangelical revival in Uganda, very involved with a lot of American Evangelical groups and has also taken a leadership role in The Family‘s Uganda operation through something called the African Student Leadership Program at the Uganda‘s National Prayer Breakfast, which is an offshoot of the prayer breakfast The Family hosts every year here in the United States."

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