Saturday 27 March 2010

The sad nature of the fact is that a generation of youngsters, only a few years younger than I, will now see the Conservative Party as the good alternative. It pains me to see young, poor, working class teenagers talking about how they're going to vote Conservative because Labour are shit. They now see Labour as the enemy thanks to a decade of conservative attitudes from the "workers party".

A vote for the Tories is a vote for the same thing as those at the forefront of "New Labour". The only difference being that with "New Labour" you at least had the back benchers fighting for the working class; with the Tories there is none of that.

Expect 4 years of privatisation, the decimation of the NHS, more leniency towards immoral actions of big business and more pillaring of the working man/woman. But it's ok because "the Economy" will recover. Though "the Economy" is always going to recover regardless of who is "in power".

The "recession" hits the workers hardest, the "recovery" will only make the rich richer. Neo-Liberal Capitalism is working exactly how it was intended, it's time for something new.

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