Friday, 22 January 2010

The cryptic answers

1. Working out with a middle aged weapon. - Jim Gannon 2. Rabbit re-mortgages his home to pay for a joint. - Warren Feeney 3. French mountain grinds his teeth - Carlo Nash 4. Handsome beloved is brutally honest with a nun - Kevin Francis 5. Good with his hands to murder, so there. - Andy Kilner 6. I see Hansen's pet - Luke Beckett 7. When will the don be a conquerer? - Owain Fon Williams 8. The thumb made it crooked - Tom Bennet 9. Scottish actor with spelling issues - Sean Connelly 10. The Phoenix rises from the conquerers - Ashley Williams 11. Hardly a Potter - Harry Hardy 12. Give me some Jam old Miss - Jarkko Wiss 13. Make my voice loud Errol - Mike Flynn 14. Pandy's leaking from the mouth, according to Ross - Andy Dibble 15. Muhammad is a gangster with a bib. - Ali Gibb

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