Friday, 21 August 2009


Am sick to death of being the guy my friends take advantage of. I am sick of being the guy who sorts everything out because I realise it won't get done otherwise (whilst everyone else sits around saying "why bother, it'll get done"). I am sick of always putting others before myself. I am sick of being a nice person. From now on I want to be a cunt. I want to be like all the mother fuckers out there who shit on everyone else but still enjoy themselves... well actually I don't... because I don't like taking advantage of others. However I am tired of always being on the sidelines, sorting out other people's shit, being the shoulder to cry on, being the kind word, being the voice of reason. Sometimes I need a shoulder to cry on, sometimes I need someone to help me with my shit, sometimes I need someone else to be the voice of reason. Yes this is a self pitying blog but fuck you I'm in a self pitying mood, for once in my life I am putting me first.


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